True Blood // Music // Tumblr

Hey guys,

I just woke up.

It's noon. <3

I freaking love the weekend!

So how many of you guys watch True Blood?

Everyone seems to watch that show, so I've decided to start watching it too.

Once I'm done this, I will start.

My step mom read the book, and I'm going to read it too.

She says there's a lot of sex.....

Anyways, I also need some new songs on my iTunes.

Do you guys have any suggestions of good bands and/or artists.

I listen to pretty much anything.

But I would mostly like some not-so-famous people.

Okay, thank you! Please comment and help me out with the music! <3

ps, Follow me on Tumblr!

I'l follow you back <3
October 1st, 2011 at 09:12pm