I am not fake.!!!!

My cousin told me about and made me a mibba THREE years ago. Back then I thought I would use it. Then I just got more in to Myspace, Facebook, Texting Soccer, College and other stuff and forgot all about Mibba, sorry but it's true. Then a couple of weeks ago I heard my cousin talking about it so I logged in to see what I had missed and posted a new poem and ever since then have been checking in. Apparently I'm fake because I said that I don't have time to post stuff on here anymore but it's true. All my stuff is on Facebook because my friends either don't know about Mibba or don't wanna join so I ask their opinions over facebook. Yes I said I don't have time because of homework and yes that is true how can I fit in time for Mibba when I'm always either at high school, college, doing homework, or on Facebook? I can't so that doesn't make me fake no it just means I'm busy. Some of you said "Why be on chat when you could be posting journals, poems, and stories?", because I don't want all of my stories on here only a select few.
October 2nd, 2011 at 08:53pm