So far, I Have only Failed at Halloween, But Hopefully...(Questions)

As usual, I've had my yearly scramble over Halloween already. Every other year (I've only dressed up for the three last ones) it seems like I've only realized I needed an idea at all something like 3 weeks away. Or I would have an idea early, but it would be pretty big, and we'd never have the money/find the materials in time (I live in a very small town, surrounded by a bunch of other very small towns).
So, needless to say, all of my costumes thus far have sadly been failures in one way or other. But I finally realized this year what my biggest problem was, I never thought about basing my costumes on mainly things I had, preferably; my clothes.

So, this time-Before I gave up on Halloween for this year altogether-I considered all of my clothes, and I remembered a certain antique wedding dress that I am in possession of...And thus, my idea arose. Now, I won't promise that this Halloween will be any less a failure than all of the others (Since I had assumed all of my ideas were brilliant until I saw the outcome), but I actually feel good about this one. I only need maybe 3-4 things and I'll be set. Plus, I've seen these things I need in the stores, so as long as we have the money; I can actually finish my costume.

I will only tell you guys that I am planning on being a bride, but not the Corpse Bride, and not some kind of Temptress-like Vampiric Bride; not exactly that cliche. I guess we will all know how well it went and how accomplished I am at expressing my ideas on Halloween.

1. How have you felt about your Halloween costumes so far?
2. What are you planning on being this year?
3. What are the best and worst Halloween costumes you've seen?
4. What was the most creative one you've ever seen?
5. Do many people celebrate it in your town?
And 6. Where do you usually go and what do you usually do on Halloween?

Hope you all have fun.
October 2nd, 2011 at 09:28pm