Do you ever feel rushed?

Ever since I've started school I constantly feel rushed. On Monday's, Wednesday's, and Fridays my class ends at 8:50am. I have to be at work by 10am on these days. It takes about 15 minutes to drive home from the college, and I have to leave at 9:40 to get to work on time. This leaves me about 30 minutes to eat and whatnot, and change into my work clothes.

It's not enough time to eat anything healthy or cook anything, so I find myself shoving a peanut butter sandwich down my throat and chugging a cup of coffee so I'm not late for work. Haha.

On Tuesday's and Thursday's my classes don't end until 11:20am. I have work at 12:00. So when I drive home it's already 11:35-12:40ish, so on these days I skip lunch and change quickly into my work clothes and go to work. Dinner is pretty much the only meal I eat lately.

It really sucks because I hate being rushed, but I have no choice but to work these hours, otherwise I don't have enough money for my car or insurance or any other bills.

I work until 6:00pm every day unless it's slow and then I can usually leave at 5:30, then I go home, eat dinner, do homework, go to sleep. Repeat. I feel like work and school is my life hahah.


1. Do you feel rushed because of work/school?
2. How's your day going so far?
October 3rd, 2011 at 04:39pm