Tired and depressed

When I'm tired depression stings so much less. Physical exhaustion outweighs emotional exhaustion, and even the most menial tasks alleviate the rest of the pain. I do, however, find myself wondering whether my emotional sanctity is put into more trouble by the periods of sleep-luster. It seems for every day I am blissfully unaware of my condition, every day I am not is too painful; want of Sleeping may be sort of a high for me. I make light of my sleepy, unrealistic fantasies when I can barely keep my eyes open- I’m just tired, it’s dismissed as mere deprivation of sleep. But when similar idealistic dreams occur in full consciousness I’m scared, confused, and reminded of the things I lack which I want the most.

By nature I'm not a sad person, but under circumstance(without improvement) I'm a crabby one. There's only so long I can fruitlessly love the same girl who doesn't love me, only so long I can go to a job which drains the life
October 4th, 2011 at 01:16am