I am slowly returning...

Hey guys!

It's been a long freaking while since I've been here....Wow...

I wanted to let everyone whom I'm suppose to be writing with tha tI am soooooo sorry that I haven't been on. Due to personal issues, relationship issues, family stress, starting college in the summer and my midterms and finals to study for...I was uber frickin' busy :(

As for my readers; I wanted to apologize for not updating. Again, I was away from Mibba these past few months (GOSH! Has it really been a few months?!) and I wanted to let you know that updates will be coming slowly but surely. Please don't lose all faith in me, my readers, for I am returning with a passion of some sorts ^^;

As for my friends....I'm sorry I scared anyone if I did and sorry I went off grid for a bit. I'm slowly returning and getting back into the groove of mibba, so if all goes well I should be updating like the dickens on weekends :) ?

Again; I want to apologize for the unannounced leave of absence.

It's good to be back Mibba.
So very good :)
October 4th, 2011 at 05:35am