My Dream

Well it started while Dillon was at my house, we were hanging around the day before school. Then he hugged me before he left, because we were apparently best friends.

Then when I got to school the next day, we were picking out flowers to plant and we were waiting till we were told to plant them. And Dillon walks up with his hands behind his back and he asked me if I wanted a flower and I said no. I turned away because the teacher was talking and he came up behind me sat down on the wall I was leaning against so his legs were on either side of me and put a red rose in my face. My face turned bright red and I mumbled a thank you.

Then it switched to when we were in the hall for study period he was poking fun at me for turning red and he was poking my cheek. When we got to study period which was in a hallway. He got dragged away then all the lights went out. The teacher said that if we dont knock out some ghosts that we wouldn't have a dance. Everybody but me gasped and then the ghosts started attacking. And one decided to attack me so I was fighting it and I knocked it out. Then as it was collapsing it scratched my face making me fall backwards and hit my head and pass-out.

When I woke up I was in the hospital and Dillon was asleep in the chair next to me, his fingers were interlaced with mine. I moved my hand out of his as slowly as possible so I wouldn't wake him up. When I sat up I noticed that my mom was also in the room. She ran over to me when she saw that I was awake. She was rocking me back and forth and shaking me. Then I heard a groan to my left and look and saw that Dillon was up and rubbing his eyes. When he saw that I was awake he sat there blinking for a couple seconds then when he finally realized I was really awake and not a dream he got up and ran over to he and tackled me in a hug. He was babbling on and on about how scared he was and he was kissing my face at the same time. My face was turning bright red as I sat there wide eyed not knowing what to do. Then when he was finished he laid on my hospital bed next to me and hugged my waist then snuggled into my side while I played with his adorably curly hair.

After I was released from the hospital they said I could go back to school tomorrow. But I couldn't fight anymore ghosts. So when we were walking to the car I had to sit in the back so just in case we got in an accident and the airbag went off. Dillon said he would join me in the back and because I had to sit in the middle he was sitting right next to me. So since I was still tired I laid my head on his shoulder. He whispered to me that he had to ask me something so I nodded for him to continue. He cleared his throat and chuckled nervously and he said 'Would you like to umm go to the uh dance with, well, me?" I looked up at him shocked. With my mouth agape I slowly nodded. He smiled at my face and then he leaned in and lightly kissed my cheek. And that is how my dream ended
October 4th, 2011 at 02:28pm