Straight hair? I envy you.

I straightened my hair for the first time in months. I would do it more often but it takes forever, plus it gives me huge headache afterwards. Why is this?

I love having straight hair, though. It so much more comfy! And lighter. And you can do so much more with it. Like, you can hairspray it all cool. And you can put it up in a million different ways without looking like a crazy person. And when it's straight you can make it into nice, loose curls. Not stupid frizzy curls lke I normally have.

I'm sort of obsessed with looking at myself with straight hair, it just looks so different and so soft and shiny :')


Sorry about all the photos ...I have about a million more like them on my computer lol. I want hair like this all the time!!

This is my hair normally:

It's really hard to manage. It has a mind of it's own.

In other news I want to make journals about the places I've travelled. With photos and words and stuff. I doubt people would really care though ... I would just because I'm a travel err, maniac, and I love seeing photos/hearing about different places of the world. I'll probably do it anyway though, just cos it would be a nice way for me to remember my different experiences.

I had a great dream last night that I was in spain and my Tunisian friends happened to pop by and then this huge party ensued and I met this guy who didn't know which country he came from so I helped him find it. All I could go on was that the traditional clothing consisted of a red jacket and black and white stripy top. I never found the country.

1. What is your hair like? Do you like it?
October 4th, 2011 at 09:46pm