
Okay...well since my other journals have been of my complaining about things that happen to everyone, but are really just simple things that could be ignored..I decided to make my complaints on life..into advice to other people(:

Well I recently started..Highschool.

Fun right?

Not really..

When your the fresh meat..it can suck major b*alls.

Highschool has been helpful in a way.

-it has made me realize who my true friends are
-who is a b*tch and who is not
-you learn something new everyday(:
-the real things that guys do
-you make some new friends
-you meet some people who change you and your life forever<3
-you realize who you are, maybe, maybe not
-you may realize your sexuality?
-and much, much, more.

Highschool has helped me already and I've only had about a month of it. I'm not as good friends with a childhood friend, because I realized who she really is, but I'm not going into detail bout that. I realize there are more people like me. I'm not prep, nor am I a stoner, or a bum. I am me(:

And there are people who are similair to me, people I like to spend my time with.
I've met some new people and have become very good friends with them.
And they, my good people have helped me realize who I am.
October 4th, 2011 at 11:10pm