Looking at pictures of myself and finding it amusing.

I was looking at pictures well my mom had stumbled upon pictures but whatever. There was this picture of me and my sister in our pyjamas, she was ten and I was nine. She was trying to pose and look cool and I was just grinning like a fool. My sister was such a skinny kid and I was chubby and had big ass cheeks. I still have this young face and them cheeks but my face is lot thinner.

Anyway I could not stop my laughter when it came to that picture. Luckily I had nice pyjamas and my hair looked good.

There was a picture from when I was thirteen, I was as awkward as I don't know! I had very long non styled hair and I thought I looked great then. Now it's like I can't look at that.

Pictures are fun though, I haven't changed too much in my opinion. I remember thinking I'd look quite grown up when I was twelve. The age arrived and fail and it's still lmao.

I liked writing this journal, what a great journal.
October 5th, 2011 at 01:17am