1 month down, 8 more to go...

So a little more than 1 month of school has already past. I can't believe it! My grades are mostly good (besides algebra) and I don't hate any of my teachers...too much.

For me the hardest subjects are French and Algebra. Science and English are cake and American studies falls somewhere in between.

The first dance is coming up and with all the drama happening lately, it could be crazy enough for Degrassi!! Not looking forward to it. Every dance me and my friends always say how we're not going to be caught up in any drama and we'll just have fun, yet every dance the drama seems to get worse and worse...uhg...

I'm caught in a weird kind of love triangle. My best friend does (or did) love me, but I like someone else. Oh the drama : /


1. How school going for you. On a scale of 1 to 10
2. Favorite subject?
3. Least favorite subject?
4. How much drama on a scale of 1 to 10 has already erupted?
5. Are your school dances as crazy as mine?
6. Random comment swap with me? yay!!!!
October 5th, 2011 at 03:46am