Things I Wish To Accomplish Before I Die. (Bucket list.)

1; Meet all my inspirations. (Taylor Swift, Chris Drew, Eminem, Avril Lavigne, Josh Ramsay ect.)

2; Go skydiving.

3; See a wild tiger in Asia.

4; Go to Fiji.

5; Become a psych nurse.

6; Teach myself to dance.

7; Write a 400 page book.

8; Go to Disney land.

9; Live long enough to meet my great grandchildren.

10; Meet the cast of Jersey Shore. And party with them.

11; Have a friend that will last from high school to being old women. The kind of friends your parent always talk about. (:

12; Make a big difference in someones life.

13; Teach myself how to sing.

14; Have an 11:11 wish come true!

15; See a shooting star.

16; Get straight A's in every class, for a whole year.

17; Volunteer at at least 3 different places, for various reasons.

18; Become friends with girls who don't like me.

19; Do a photo shoot.

20; Inspire a friend to make good choices.

21; Put a note saying "You're perfect," on different peoples lockers every day.

22; Grow..

23; Get more active.

24; Buy a professional camera with my own money.

25; Play the "meow game" from Super Troopers, and win. ;D

26; Get 2000 songs on my iTunes.

27; Make an important speech on television.

28; Go to Never Land....

29; Go to New York.

30; Create a collage that covers a whole wall.

31; Live in my own house.

32; Sit in the park across the street from my house, sing in the field, while it's raining <3

33; Swim with dolphins.

34; Make a giant photo album of me growing up. From a new born, to a young adult.

35; Get married, and have 3 kids! (:

36; See the original paintings from some of the most famous artists.

37; Learn Italian.

38; Become a positive role model.

39; Fall in love!

40; Win at least 300$

41; Go to Italy!

42; Watch a movie so scary, I fall off my chair.

43; Get a story published.

44; Write, direct and take place in a movie.

45; Get my makeup professionally done.

46; Forgive myself.

47; Learn to play piano.

48; Go in a maze and get lost.

49; Say Hi to everyone in my grade.

50; Sleep for 20 hours straight.

Now, I'm sure if you read all/most of those, you'll realize how much of a dork I am. All of those, I actually mean.

Except visiting Never Land.. But that would be amazing if I could..

Anyways, please comment or let me know if you make a bucket list and post it, cause I would love to read it, and comment on it!
October 5th, 2011 at 06:51am