
So these last few days I have been severely distracted and it has thrown me off my romantic writing that is "Angel in disguise." Well I've been distracted by a current situation, and the fact that I've been watching "Monk" on Netflix and crocheting a quilt as well, but that's not the point.
So quite recently someone I knew from high school has entered back in my life. I knew him when I was a senior in High School and he was a sophomore. So now he's a Senior and I'm almost two years out of high school.
But my little sister is in our High School Marching band and so is this boy. I helped my sister with a fundraiser where everyone from the band gets together and they have this big yard sale.
I past his table and he said, "Hey Holley, what's up?" I stumbled, and I felt really dumb cause I couldn't remember the name of this guy, so I just said, "Nothing" and went back to my sister to help her out.
But during the yard sale I went back to his table and saw a really cute tank top. So I replied, "Ohmigosh, that is a really cute tank top."
His response was, "Well it's only a dollar"
When I am really nervous I tend to make jokes to hide the fact that I am quite nervous. So I responded by saying, "Well it wouldn't fit me, but thank you for implying otherwise."
The guy laughed at my joke. Truth be told I think I actually embarrassed him a little bit by my comment. But I went on my way not really thinking about it.
But then my sister asked me if I knew this kid, and I just shrugged saying that I knew him in High School. My sister told me his name, and I told her what happened at the yard sale.
That is when my mom implied that this boy had a crush on me because he remembered my name from High School AND he really didn't pay attention to my weight.
At first I thought she was insane, but I guess it kind of made sense. Is it stupid of me to be thinking like this? Is it stupid to think a boy would actually like me for me when I really have never shown him the real me?
I guess in some ways it makes sense cause he wasn't looking at my weight when he suggested I buy the tank top. But at the same time he could have just been trying to get me to buy his things.

Will someone please just tell me I'm being stupid so I can go back to writing my stories? I miss when I just obsessed over Seth Meyers' gorgeous face. But now all I can think about is this boy's gorgeous face.
October 5th, 2011 at 08:47am