
Rather happy today. Bumped into a guy I had a crush on. We spent ages talking at lunch, at the end he walked me to my classroom door, and gave me a hug and a kiss on my cheek, and now we’re gunna meet up and have a drink…which has made my day.

Think that experience is proof that things can get better. I’ve had some bad times this week, but after today, I don’t care as much. I’m going to make the good count for more than the bad.

I know there are people that tell you, you aren’t good enough. You aren’t pretty enough, but that’s rubbish! I know how it feels, well in the words of Shakespeare ‘love from one side hurts love from two sides heals,’ but we all deserve to find out prince/princess. We all deserve to be happy and beautiful.
October 5th, 2011 at 05:45pm