I Dream of Nothing

I had a dream last night that there was nothing. No light, no objects, no morality, no world. Just me, floating in nothingness. I remember walking, yet feeling nothing touching my feet. I threw my arms around, trying to find something to hold - after all, if you're standing on nothing, you'll fall, right? Yet, my hands found nothing to grab, and I did not fall.

It was completely absent of light. Maybe it was completely void of darkness as well, but my mind couldn't comprehend the thought of nothingness - so it dubbed the emptiness 'darkness'. I could feel that I was standing (or floating?) where no time was present, where there was no good or bad. I was simply existing in nothing.

It's really quite weird...or perhaps I just have lame dreams? I've never had dreams where I was flying, or some kind of super hero or celebrity. Most of mine consist of me waking up and watching myself. Or sometimes, I feel like I've woken up, yet not all the way. I feel awake and I can think clearly, but it's all black and I can't move any part of my body. Then I have a mini panic attack, and wake up kicking and thrashing around on my bed.

Maybe I'm just crazy.

Anyways; I'd like to say hello to everyone. So...hello! I left Mibba for quite a while, but decided I would come back. I can't guarantee I'll stay for very long, but no one really cares about that, do they? Not to be a pessimist or anything.

I'm going to leave now. Because I have nothing else to say, or because I really want some chocolate?

The world may never know.
October 5th, 2011 at 08:27pm