Who am I?

Ok Ok I know it's a classic cliche but lets be truthful who hasn't ever at least once asked themselves this question?

So who am I any way , I'm Kelsey that's the name that has been granted to me on my birth certificate at least but my name doesn't make up me it's only a name ,"by that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet" and all that shit. So if I am not Kelsey when really who am I other then that name?

I'm a girl I'm a 15 year old girl that live in a small town in the middle of no where. I also would like to point out that yes my profile says I'm 17 people lie it's a fact of life so get over it I was 12 when I made this thing. Lets return to the point now shall we? Not only am I 15 year old girl and a liar I'm an artist and I mean that in the truest way possible. This isn't a heart to heart I assure you but ever since I was a Meir child there was one thing I knew I liked and wanted to do and that was art never have I doubted that never. I do not in any way think I'm that Hell I know I'm not but I'm working at it and I will continue to do that for a long time.

I am just one voice among millions one small little bearly heard voice. That's OK because I suck at talking I am so awkward with new people its painful but with my art I can say what ever the hell i want with out ever actually saying a word. I once read in a book that trying to understand a piece of art it like trying to understand why a joke is funny. I like to create art because of the feelings i can put behind it the meanings and things I want to say but can't , but that's only half the other part is having people see it and react to it in there own way come up with there own feelings towards it. I don't like telling people the meanings behind my work because then that's all they see is my view I like how once piece and be transformed into many different meanings and they all will always be right because that's just how art is there is never a wrong answer but there is never a right one either.

So now this brings us to what began the idea for this whole thing in the first place. I am a sophomore in high school and because of my dream to go to an art school I feel like I am being thrown into this whole college thing suddenly like iv just fallen threw the ice. I know i really could take the easy way out and become a nurse like all the people in my Town want to be, honestly because they have no clue and that seems to be the job of choice in this shit hole of a town they are to fucking lazy to actually do something and get there heads out of there asses that they fallow the crowed and its really is sad. That's why I refuse to go that route I have no idea in hell what I would like to do once i get out of college I have bounce the idea of being an art teacher around in my head a little but is that really what i want to do ? I would love to move to Paris and live in montmartre and live this bohemian lifestyle but is that really practical? maybe not but that is really something I would love nothing more to do. So now that I am going through art college after art college and reading over every application i have to fill out to apply I am over whelmed I'm sitting here wondering if I'm really good enough for this because if you have ever seen them things these people do at these school you would be blown away they truly are amazing and I sit here and wonder if I will ever be able to be that good to get to that point. I feel like i need guidance i need a mentor who has done this already to prepare me to push me into that greatness because i know some where inside of me I can do it I just need help getting it out .

sincerely, the 15 year old girl, liar, and artist
October 6th, 2011 at 12:08am