Losing you.

Have you ever been so afraid of something that it controls your life? I don't mean afraid of a thing like ghosts, home invasions, getting kidnapped, or anything of that nature. I mean like actually scared of something that might happen.

Like losing someone.

Have you even been so afraid of losing someone that it just constantly lingers in your head? Someone who means the world to you. Someone who's been there with you and for you through so much. Someone who the laughs and jokes you have are endless. Someone with whom the memories are never ending. Afraid that it'll all just have to end. Afraid that you'll never see them again. Afraid that you'll never hear their voice again. Afraid that they'll just be gone.

So afraid that it makes you sick. Literally, sick to your stomach. So afraid that it depresses you. So afraid that it makes you just want to know when it's gonna happen.
October 6th, 2011 at 01:26am