
1. Whats your favorite singer/band? (Justin Bieber)
2. What is your least favorite singer/band? (One Direction)
3. Whats your favorite color? (Purple)
4. What grade/year are you in? (9th, with 10th grade classes and a 12th grade Pre. Calc. class)
5. What is your favorite sport? (hockey or football, i can't choose)
6. What career do you wish you could have? (a model)
7. What is your favorite style of music (pop and opera are my two favorites)
8. Is there a type of music you can't stand? (Screamo)
9. What country do you live in? (The United States)
10. What is your favorite thing to do on Mibba? (read journals)

Thanks for reading, write in your answers below! Can't wait to hear from you!
October 6th, 2011 at 03:00am