Dream Family

I haven't talked much about my boyfriend of nearly half a year. But I do think I love him. He is so sweet and polite and smart. Though we are young he has given me a promise stone. A cubic serconia in the shape of a heart. We have been planning a family. Yes planning now because I can't have kids natural so I would have to have a surgery. So we might as well get it perfect. We will last that long since nether one of us can hurt the other.

I want to have a baby girl. We agreed on the name Esme Elora Abigal Lewis. Esme because it means 'beloved child'. Elora because it means 'light'. Abigal because she is our mutal friend who is the reason we met. And with his lastname. She will mostlikely have blonde hair that darkens with age and bluish green eyes with gold flecks in them because that is basicaly how we both look.

We have agree to adopt a japanese baby girl and name her Koneko Mimmy Lewis. Koneko means 'kitten' and Mimmy is hello kitty's twin.

I want twin boys named James Xavier and Alexander Zachary.

Hopefully my pretend family will work out. Hopefully my life will stay worked out.

-Sincerly Aya-Cho
October 6th, 2011 at 06:16am