Kinda just need some other peoples opinions on this...

I have this theory that this guy I hooked up wtih likes me. He has only ever hooked with with a random once before so I guess it probably wasn't totally meaningless to him. Then we spent the next day (until 8pm) spooning on my mates couch watching movies. That was about 3 months ago. He always talks to me on facebook and yeasterday he said this:
"If i can finally get my shit sorted and land a full-tme job you can live in my crappy apartment haha"
I'm basically just thinking that he might like me. Now, I haven't seen him in person since then so I can't really judge it properly. I live about 4 hours away and it's basically impossible for me to see him and I haven't been there since (Well, I was once for a school excursion so I couldn't go see people).

Bascially, what do you guys think? I guess I kind of like the guy too but he's my friends ex so it's a bit awkward. Although she did just laugh at the fact that we hooked up so she probably wouldn't care if anything happened (I am planning on moving back there for uni in a few months).
October 6th, 2011 at 08:17am