Suicide: Are you sure it isn't worth it?

My friends are openly ACTING like they aren't mad but they told me they are pissed. I haven't talked to the girl. But I told my boyfriend and he was sad. He stayed with me though. I'm sure we will talk about it when he gets back in town. I hate it when he travels. I mean I'm happy he is having a good time at Disney but I miss him sooooo much. I wrote a poem in Italian because I missed him that much. Now I am headbanging and typing. It doesn't mix very well. My mum went to the bone doctor today. She has to take two more weeks off. I mean I don't really even LIKE her but it kinda worries me since they don't know what is wrong with her. My life is just screwed. Getting MUCH better but still ultimately screwed. Not to mention Jamey Rodemeyer killed himself recently. He was the one that inspired me to try to help and just live but even HE couldn't make it. I'm not half as strong as him so how am I going to live my life?

-Thx for reading

*Rest in peace Jamey. If you agree repost*
October 7th, 2011 at 02:42am