Sweet kid in anatomy. Baking. Got any good stories pour moi?

My room is so freaking freezing cold! Like, I’m sitting underneath a huge blanket with my flannel jammie bottoms and a sweater and big warm socks and I have goosebumps all over.

I really want a cowl. You know those things that are like scarves, but they’re really not because it’s one piece and connected? Yeah. One of those. I think I’m going to try and knit one, but first I need to find a pattern. [/funstuffyall]


In anatomy today, we had to do this lab where we looked at tissue samples under the microscopes. There were 18 tissues, which meant refocusing your microscope 18 times. Guess who can’t focus a god*mn microscope? This girl.

So what was my solution? There’s this kid in there that sits are my lab-desk clump named Tyler. He’s super patient and sweet, and he helped me. I always feel really bad because he’s really self conscious about his family’s money. In my area, we have A TON of super rich housing developments, but then we also have the not-so-rich parts of town. I’m middle class, so I don’t really count on the spectrum, but I feel really bad for him, because I don’t think he gets that his money means nothing in school. He’s such a great person, and he’s one of the most interesting people to talk to, he’s one of the few people I know that can actually hold on an intellectual conversation, and no one actually judges him or cares what kind of clothes he wears or what kind of backpack he has.

I just want to hug him.


My cats had to go to the vet today and I haven’t seen them since we got home. Everything checked out, except for Toby. He’s overweight. D: Though I secretly think it’s absolutely adorable and I love this cat so freaking much.


This weekend when I come home from work, I’m going to make cookies. It’s fall timeeven though the weather disagrees so I think pumpkin flavored something is appropriate. My only problem with making cookies is that when you have to mix them, it becomes super difficult because of all of the dry ingredients and I don’t have the upper arm strength.This is why I stick to cupcakes. Oh well!

Question: What are your favorite things to bake?


Also, do you have any either really goodhorror ghost stories or any really cute romances which is not fanfic or slash? Give me the titles/authors and I’d be forever grateful!
October 7th, 2011 at 10:27pm