Books Are My Escape..But Are They Enough?

Whoa I totally forgot about mibba! It's been a while I haven't been on here.
So now I'm studying architecture, and I'm really enjoying it! After my senior year ended and I graduated it felt like my whole life has changed for the better. I got really high marks that got me the scholarship! And I'm studying what I wanted for a long time, i have amazing parents who would go to the end of the earth just to make me happy!

Now, why aren't I happy? I have all I want! But I'm not sharing it with those I love! My bestfriends aren't there to support me, my parents don't understand me.. Ever! During the past two years I lost two close friends, one who transferred schools and just drifted away by time, we don't talk anymore, though we managed to see each other a few days ago, buy it was so..awkward! :( my other friend, I had a fight with him, he didn't apologize or try to talk to me so I didn't.

I miss them, I miss others too, but they are so far away, I can't reach them, and in the university when I meet new people I keep comparing them to my old friends, but no one is better than who they used to be! I need that person who I can talk to any time, whom I can tell my dreams to and they never laugh but support me, I want that person who will stand by me all the time. I just need him/her! I find myself escaping to my books so I pretend I'm living in them, where friends are real and love is honest and endings are happy. But I'm not in a book, I'm in the real world..where "happy" is hard to find!
October 8th, 2011 at 12:38am