I want to start a new story.

Hi! I'm Tessa and this my first journal. I don't know how this works because I've never written/read a journal. But anyways... I really want to start three new stories. I like to write but didn't have time during the summer. I started them but debating whether I should put them on or not. I had my friend, Liz, help me with making my "These Days" layout. So if I could have some help with a layout that would be amazing. And it would great if you could read them too. I suppose I should tell you what the stories are about. One I've started is "They Don't Know Us". It's kinda like "I Am Number Four" but I didn't use any of the characters or whatever. It's just four kids have powers and they are feared/hunted. And then there's "Backwards" which is an original about a girl and her family goes to Europe because her mom's best friend died by falling a sewer. But she doesn't think it's an accident. And the last one is the one I haven't started. A Justin Bieber/Hunger Games fan-fic. Mostly because I have been reading a lot of JB fan-fics and I just finshed the Hunger Games series So I thought I should put them together. So If any of these seem interesting please tell me some how. I guess I should tell you of some other stuff. I will probably update once a week or at least once every other week. So That was all I have to say. I hope I did this right. I didn't know if you could write journal asking for help. So thanks for reading? Yea I'm done. Byyeee!!!
October 8th, 2011 at 03:14am