Braces, Insomnia and Texas slang...

A couple months ago I went to the dentist with my sister. The dentist lady (who I do not like) tells my parents that my sister'll need braces, but my teeth are pretty good. However, she'll write something up so the orthodontist can check my teeth as well. Then they can see if I need braces.

What are they gonna say? No? They give people braces for a living. Obviously there gonna say I need them. So now, my mouth hurts like there's no tomorrow. I've taken a bunch of pain pills, and they aren't working. -__- And the braces tearing up my cheeks, and I've got all these cuts that are bleeding.

This is not enjoyable.


I haven't been able to go to sleep! >.< I've tried everything. But all I do is lie in bed until the sunrises. I then go outside and watch it; which is really relaxing, by the way. Really beautiful colors. (: But I'd really like to go to sleep...


One of my friends is from up north, and the other day she was telling me how different Texans talk. Instead of 'grocery', we say it like 'groshree'. Instead of shopping cart, we call it a buggy. We say ya'll too much. She didn't even know what it meant when we say were 'fixing to' do something. We call all sodas (Sprite, Mellow Yellow, Dr. Pepper, Pepsie...etc) coke. And more, but I forget what she said. o_o'

Which got me thinking...I must sound like a red neck. Haha. (: I don't live on a farm or anything, but I do have a big ol' garden, some chickens and live in a double wide.

Any other born and raised Texans out there? What kind of words/pronunciations are specific to your state? Or does anybody have any questions about Texas? Apparently, everybody thinks it's a big desert where everyone rides horses, wears boots and Cowboy hats and lives on farms.

Which is wrong. Mostly, anyway.

Ya'll know what Dr. Pepper is, right? My friend said she'd never had any until she moved here.

Dr. Pepper is the freakin' best.

Which reminds me, I want some.
October 8th, 2011 at 04:14am