I'm Quite Strange

I don't drink.
I don't cuss.
I don't do drugs.
I don't party.
I don't sleep around.
Heck, I don't even date.
I've never stolen anything.
I never get in fights.

Is it really that strange? People from my highschool seem to think so. But, really, is it that out of the ordinary? I haven't lived a sheltered life, or anything. I decided never to do anything of those things on my own. I mean, it's a good choice, right?


I wish I was tired. -__-


I absolutely hate clowns. When I was younger, a bloody one chased me at Sea World. Ever since then, I've been deathly afraid of them. I saw one a couple weeks ago and had a full on panic attack.

He laughed at me.

And Halloween is coming up. I hate Halloween. With a passion. Clowns are gonna be everywhere. I'm gonna curl up on the couch and watch Christmas movies or something...


Someone Like You by Adele is mind blowing<3
October 8th, 2011 at 05:53am