I finished the First Chapter on the First Day I made an acct during the First Friday of October

Woooooooooooooot!!!!!! I am soo pumped right now. I've already written 3 journal entries, and I've finally finished the first chapter of "The Girl with the Green Ribbon". This is honestly so exhilariting for me as I've never felt this excited in a long time. Maybe say....Comic Con? Bah, whatever. I'm really happy I made a Mibba account as I'm more motivated than I was before to write my stories and what better people to read them than you guys. So THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

For those who read the first chapter:
I just want to say thanks a bunch for checking it out, hope you subscribe and even friend me (its cool, watev), and come back for more cuz it's only gonna get better. I wrestled with the idea of making Chapter 1 longer, but It seemed like a good note to end on. It was short and sweet and would make more sense that Chapter 2 starts when they're a tad older. Guinevere's mother takes a bit of a backseat for now as I'm focused more on the growing relation of both Guiny and Jim but don't make her out to be a "side character". She's most definately a main player in this story as is everyone. In mystery stories such as, "The Girl with the Green Ribbon", it works best if every character has as much impact and importance as the main characters. I'm not going to deliver cheap thrills like "It was Miss Scarlett in the kitchen with the pipe". I know it's a horror story but I choose to go the path of telling a good story for the sake of story. And maybe the result of where I take you is enough "horror" for you. This is first and foremost a story driven by its characters. SO there's reasoning behind everything.

Thanks again for checking in.
-Chris Ang

p.s. I'm single. LOL
October 8th, 2011 at 07:37am