story suggestions for poor little newbie, Kaspar ? c;

Uh, i like slash but het's ok but only if it's really, really good c:

so romance; humor; a little horror's is nice ;)

i don't like a lot of lemon/lime; a little smut is ok, but very little C:

original fiction is probably best, but i love Harry Potter fanfiction and Tokio Hotel fanfiction (m'such a dirty child...)

ehh, what else.. I hate those stupid original slashes where all the character's have names like, those stupid "fake" names right? keep it original and a little more realistic. makes it easier to read for me >.<

also, i like fantasy ! but only like mermaids and fairies and all that girly business-fantasy; maybe a little princess/prince-type fic is ok but yeah... love mermaids <3 (i'm such a girl, i apologize)

is that a hundred words? let's check..
oh it is c: funn
October 8th, 2011 at 07:05pm