Want this guy so bad

I could fill up this blog post with thousands of words, and bore you, but the truth is the word to describe, how I feel for this guy and how this guy makes me feel when I'm around him, doesn't exist. I just know. I want him. I got it bad. I have the hots for him. you name it.

And he's so freaking funny! :D I WANT HIM. hmmm.....

And you know what he said today when these two girls I was with and I got soaked with the rain? xD

"You ladies look good wet....and dirty" xDD I know he was joking, but seriously that comment --- i so didnt expect him to ever say something so suggestive. lol. cause he's like the perfect child. Good grades. Good son. Good friend. Basically a gentleman. :3

So yeah. i want him.
October 9th, 2011 at 07:00am