Why Do I Always Get the Urge to Write at 3 am??

I hate this! I always get the urge to write on Saturday night around 3 am. It's not good at all. I have church in the morning, and I already have a hard enough time getting up when I do get my 8 hours in. Tomorrow morning is going to be so hard. And I have to study for a Biology exam tomorrow and write an article for my college newspaper. It's an opinion column about how we college students drink too much caffeine. I'll post the articles I write for the paper on here, as well. I feel that most of you don't go to my college. :)
It was parent weekend this weekend, and I got to see my family for the first time in 2 months. For you younger readers, I know you probably just want to get out of the house, but I tell you, that once you're in college for awhile, you'll miss being at home and getting home-cooked meals, having all your essentials provided for you without you having to go and buy them yourself, and maybe even someone to do your laundry. Yeah, I miss that. But moving out is nice too, because you can decorate your room however you like (as long as your roommate is okay with it). Like right now I'm waiting on a poster I ordered off ebay of Dwight from The Office. I absolutely love that show, and today I bought some command hooks, so I can make a fort out of an extra sheet over my bed to create my own personal area.
Ok, well I do ahve church in the morning, and it's 4 am now. Better go to sleep.

Love ya, mibba,

Lizabeth Foxx
October 9th, 2011 at 10:11am