I'm making a fary tale, b*tches!

So, yeah I'm done with extra complicated story ideas because they usually just go no where and I just give up. I've decided I'm going to make a fairy tale. Yes, a fairy tale.

All I have about it so far:

a mouse named Excalibur (the main character)

a human king named Narcissius (main antagonist)

a fox named Alphonse (secondary protagonist)

a dog named Vittorio (secondary antagonist)

Setting: 1800's Italy

Plot: I have no freaking idea.

Yes, I have no idea what the plot is going to be. I'm not even sure if this story is even going to work out, but I thought it would be fun to at least try it. I haven't ever really done something like this, but it should be fun. So wish me luck, and if I happen to like it enough to post it on here, I'll let y'all know.

Thank you for reading yet another pointless journal from yours truly. :D
October 9th, 2011 at 07:02pm