Where, oh where, have I been?

Okay, stories are on hold as of now. Yeah, I've been MIA for over a month and I apologize. I just opened my messages and I had way too many. Most all of them were asking where I was. So, instead of wasting my time typing it a billion times, here is what's going on:

My father is in a coma and has been this way for nearly a month. I won't go into detail, but I will say that I am needed in the real world much more than I am needed here.

Honestly, I haven't even thought about writing at all this month, and I'm sorry for letting you guys down. I'm not going to give you guys a time estimate on when I'll update, because I just don't know.

Again, I'm really really sorry. Thanks, guys.
October 10th, 2011 at 03:07am