To: the missing half

I miss our long talks and hugs. The way we were ourselves with each other no matter what anyone else thought. The way we loved eachother and knew it, but kept our friendship pure. How we had long walks and could talk for hours about total nothingness. The story of us was hectic and confusing, but it was us and I loved it. I loved everyday spent with you and I loved who we were together. We fought and joked and loved and cared until the end of our time together. Even til this day, we still talk every once and a while, but that void in my heart is just ripping at my soul.
I hear your name from everyone, almost everyday, and it tears at the fragile tissue in the area of my heart where you're memory is stored. Your smell, you touch, your feel, no one could ever replace that, and some people are trying. People are trying to replace you in their hearts and or trying to be you, but they will never truly be you. I hate when they try because they just open the scars that aren't exactly healed yet.
To think that a few months ago we were all having fun and hanging out together and now you're gone sucks... balls! There was so much to say and so much to do, and now we'll prolly never get that chance. If I could go back in time and stop this from happening (in any way, shape, or form.) I would. But I can't.
I miss you so much. Last night I had a dream that you can back just in time for prom (my prom (or my birthday... idk) and everyone (especially me) was sooooo happy to see you. You ended up being my date because he couldn't make it. It was one of the best days ever lol. We took shots (I actually drunk for you xD) and had tons of fun, but then I woke up with the most emptiest feeling I've ever gotten in my life. I had to talk to you, but my fam. dragged me to Jersey for no reason. So when I got home, I talked to you, but I couldn't say any of this because it hurt too much. So here it is: I miss you. You are like, my other half. The missing brother I never had but wish I could have. I can't stand not being with you. Every time I think of you, I want to hold you but I know I can't and it kills me inside.
Please come back. I want you to come back. I don't know where you'll stay, or how you'll survive, but I want you to come back. I need you here. We were brought together for a reason and you being taken away from me isn't fair in the least bit. I hate your family for separating us and I hate the fact that you nor I could do anything about it. If I could, I'd take you in as my actual brother and tell my mom that you'll help me through everything I need to do and whatnot and somehow convince her to keep you. Yes, we'd prolly commit incest every now and then, but that's all good xDD <3 I miss you. And if I get the balls to send you the link to this and you're reading it right now, well, now you know ._.
October 10th, 2011 at 03:35am