OMFG! You know when people tell you shiiit and they think they know you?! WELL IT PIIISSIES ME OFF ROYALLY! I really hate it when someone cybers you and they think they know everything about you and how your nothing but a lier, a stereotype, a cheater, or anything of the kind, when they don't know you at all! I am having this happen to me, and it has made my friends all cry when it has happened to them, and i just wonder why these people have no life and they have to be mean to other people just to make themselves feel better about themselves! It really just makes me upset that people just assume your this, or assume you that, and your not really any of those things! Those people that do that are mental and should not be alowed onto a computer if it continues. I just wish i knew how to get those people off...
October 10th, 2011 at 05:22am