yeaah, we pretty much amazing. (10.9.11; 11:34 p.m)

hi guys!

I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm brooke. and i love to write. the journal is pretty much my favorite thing on here. i like to vent. (:
the only problem i've had recently is that i can't write poetry anymore.

I used to be super good at it, and I could just think of one phrase and end up with a whole poem, but now i can't even start off a poem. so i'd love if anyone could message me and help me out with that. i don't know, it's just that nothing sounds good.

i have plenty to write about, i just don't remember how to write it.
anyways, i would love some ideas and tips so message me. i'll be around tomorrow(monday), and tuesday so get to it. [;

brooke (:
October 10th, 2011 at 05:37am