Am I crazy?

So I've taken the time out of crocheting this wickedly awesome "Saturday Night Live" quilt in order to write. If I am not careful I could get carpal tunnel in my hands if I continually crochet like I have been doing. lol.
But while I've been crocheting, I've been watching all seasons of Monk on Netflix and I think I'm becoming a little OCD. Like I spent two hours a day cleaning my mother's kitchen and living room. But hey, my mom's not complaining.
I've been thinking a lot about the guy I've talked about in other journals and I realized why it freaked me out at the fact that I had a crush on him.
Almost a year ago I realize I was in love with my best friend Josh. Even worse than that, I ended up telling him via text message while I was under the influence of Nyquil. Yes, I am being serious, medicine does not have a very positive affect on me.
Before this new guy showed up, I haven't been interested in any guy in my life (Seth Meyers doesn't count.) I loved Josh. He is seriously the best thing that ever happened to me. But Josh was completely honest with me by telling me that he really didn't ever see him and I being more than just friends. I really appreciated his honesty, but it still hurt.
Is it crazy for me not to want to lead this guy on with me still having feelings for Josh?
My sister in-law tells me the best thing to do to get over someone who doesn't love you back is to find interest in someone else. She has a point, but I still don't want to go after this guy if I am still pining after Josh. Am I crazy?
October 10th, 2011 at 06:34am