Our story pt. 1

So our story is crazy. From the moment I felt your presence, the day you say that you saw me, I knew it was trouble. I never told anyone this, but there was a presence there of someone that I would grown to love and care for. I didn't exactly know who it came from, but it was definitively there.
I spent so much time with the wrong people until you and I finally spoke. I remember exactly how, where, why we met, and from that moment on, I couldn't stay away. I got home and thought about what I needed to do to keep us talking, but then I remembered something. My boyfriend. So sad how in one day, everything you've known in life could just swerve. Actually, to this day, I have no idea what was going on in my mind. Why I was soooo attracted to you. I call it an imprint.
I spent days wishing I could talk to you not only inside, but outside of school, so, I went on facebook lol. I looked you up and poof, a new dawn approached. We started talking and eventually, switched to texting. My heart was fully aware of what was happening, even though I wasn't. In my mind, it was all about my boyfriend, but in my heart, it was all about you.
Soon enough we were talking everyday, in school and out, and as crazy as we both were, we liked each other.
I remember one day, prolly the day I'll always remember, when you took me and hugged me in front of my boyfriend and wouldn't let him take me back xD You called me your flower and hugged me even tighter =3 He was so pissed after that lol. You have no idea. That was the day I started to fall in love with you.
From then on, we were constantly seen together and talking to each other and I didn't know what to do. To everyone else, me being friends with you was just a joke. "hey, your boyfriend isn't here so go talk to him" and they'd just throw me at you, like if I should be doing it myself, but I didn't want to. I didn't want to be just another girl that you or anyone else dated. I wanted to make a mark in the relationship that no one would forget, which, I surely did.
The week or so after I realized I couldn't be away from you, I broke it off with my boyfriend, and the truthful and absent minded person I was, said too much. The guy had really fallen in love with me, and surely enough, you were one of his friends. Of course.
That situation almost cost me you, and I couldn't have that. I don't remember what I said, but it saved me. It saved me from losing you and maybe even losing my mind. For months, you were there with me, dealing with my crazy life and listening to me rant about family and friends and life itself, and you were always there. I had felt the feelings I had for you once before, so I knew it was going to be the exact same thing as before, so I went with it.
You were my first, something that you will always have. You are the one I fell and am still falling madly in love with. I will go to the beyond and back for you. We are our own kind of love story, beautiful yet tragic. I have yet to say our part 2, but it will be up here, soon. I love you baby <3
October 10th, 2011 at 06:53pm