Describing today as 'exciting' would be an understatement. (TUMBLR USERS?)

Today mum and I decided to make the treck up to a really fancy, gorgeous shopping centre out in the city. I was quite literally in heaven. That centre was crowd free and absolutely amazing. I can't illustrate it anymore.
Only problem is, I'm a bit of a fool and I completely, totally forgot my purse. I quite literally it was painful.

Other news
I've recently become part of a new, exciting writing colab on Tumblr!.
It's going to contain
-short stories
-reviews (video and written)
-tips from authors we've met
and much MUCH more!
We've only just set it up but we'd love at least20 followers by the official opening on Friday.
I originally learnt about Tumblr from this amazing website so I know a few of you will be able to join.
The blog is calledGrander Qualitites

We're also opening up a submissions page so you can send in poetry or short stories.
So I really feel like I'm nagging right now, but it would mean the world to us (:
October 11th, 2011 at 06:45pm