My Swlf-Esteem

Low self-esteem is common, but what if someone's self-esteem got extremely low that it was just gone? This is what I fight and struggle with everyday. Some people's self-esteem get destroyed during middle and high school. These people let their crushed self-esteem control their life and can't be happy anymore. I, on the other hand, got my self-esteem taken away from me before I could really have it fully devloped.
My self-esteem was taken away during my first four years of elementery school. In kindergarden, I got teased, but since I was too young, I didn't understand until first grade. I would try to fix everything about, so my classmates would like me. They just teased me more. Second grade was when I gave up and kept to myself or the friends I had. It was the end of third grade when I realized I had no self-esteem. From then to the end of sixth grade, I tried to find some self-esteem, but I just couldn't see anything that said "self-esteem" to me.
Now, I don't care about my self-esteem. I got friends who enjoys me and makes me laugh, family that cares, and no reason to feel ashame of my life. Some think I'm broken inside or depressed when I'm not. I'm happy with my life. I mean, it could be easier, but who said life was easy? I get good grades, trying new activities, and making great friends. Isn't that what school suppose to be? Yes, I would love to know who I am and will be, but I can wait. The world is huge, and adventures hidden everywhere, waiting to be found. I hope to discover all of them.
October 12th, 2011 at 03:18am