gComment Swap

Warning: I'll probably delete this and repost it later when more people are online.
I've been stalking the journal section for awhile, but have yet to really comment or post because... I was a bit intimidated? I don't know, really. I'm not intimidated right now, for sure. It was that roapie ashgjhfdgl

Anyway, I'll sort of introduce myself sort of...
My name's Sasha, I have the same birthday as John Lennon, I love art and poetry and I wish my world was as beautiful as some people's. I like The Smiths and Placebo.
Uhm. I was diagnosed as manic depressive, which is a rare diagnosis to get when you're only 16.
I'm manic right now. I think. I like it when people talk to me, but I'm usually too scared to talk to other people first.
Ya. I'm not very good advertising myself.

Jeez my subwoofer is up so high its gonna give me an orgasm ok kokljkfpsdk had to point that out.

This journal is mostly to advertise my new story, Rice Vinegar Faggot, though. So go read it. It only has a really short chapter up right now, so please do it or I'll have to kick your butt.

Uhhh waiting for a certain someone to come online. Who's name starts with an H. It could be hours and this song is reminding me of him and I'm feeling very sick and ill todaaay.

So hey. Comment my story and I'll comment some of yours. How about it?
October 12th, 2011 at 10:55am