Number I

Hello Everyone,

I have a question to ask you all. It's not a hard complicated math question that you will find on a feared June exam, no. My question is more simple but complicated at the same time. My question is this; Why this town?

Why was I placed in this small town? This small native reserve of merely 10,000. It's nice, it's moderately clean. every adult is friendly, and every individual will know your; name, face, and family by heart. Everyone knows where you live and where you came from. Your business is theirs and it's an ongoing circle of relation.

All the adults have this vision that all the children/teens/young adults will love one another and live in a joyous harmony of laughs and good memories. When really, why is that so much further then the truth?

Plain and simply I don't leave the house: I'm afraid to. I revert my eyes any possible chance I get, and I stay away from certain areas. I live in fear.

If you know me, I'm quiet. I don't talk loud and love to listen to people. I've never done anything wrong to these people yet, they find it fun to torment me.

I've had my house spray painted, my body shoved and bruised, I've walked down the street multiple times and had raw egg seeping through my shoes as a car full of teenagers driving by, and last week Steven got into a fight because he he was defending me against a big guy who called me a skeet.

Now, i'm not saying I have the toughest life. I'm not complaining in the slightest about how miserable my life is, even if it was you wouldn't hear from me.

I just want to know what I have done to these people. I want to know so I can make this end. I'm scared to go outside and have transferred schools twice because of it. It hurts knowing that you are hated, and if anybody tells you different they are dirty liars.

Some "family" this town is.

I want it all to stop, I hate feeling like this day in and day out. My heart pounds a beat faster when I meet somebody in the street, keeping my head low as if not to make them angry by my presence alone. I want to end it all, maybe I should just give in and give them what they want? Leave all together so I can unknowing stop pissing them off.
October 12th, 2011 at 12:08pm