Gimme a song/picture and I'll write a short story about it! c: Do it! Do it! You know you want toooo....

So I am very bored.

And I'm in the mood to write a story. I could just write a new chapter to one of my existing stories but I'm in the mood challenge?

So I thought about it and it'll be fun if I made a story based on a song or picture!

So yea, got any? :3

It can be anything,you can even give a genre of story if you want and I'll try my best to make you love it :D

Though I'm best at romances, action, mature, tragic, fantasy, and slash, although I've never actually written a slash before I can take a crack it :D

So yea, suggest ! I might be able to get it done by today ;3
October 13th, 2011 at 12:11am