Gay Marriage, and gay descrimination (Blog)

Most states dont allow Gay marriage. Why? That would be like us preventing Asians to marry. It is prejudice! Alot of Gays (when i say gay, i mean lesbians and bisexuals) People physically harm gay people because of there sexuality. Lame right? ''God" says man do not lie with another man as thy would lie with woman, but it also says come as thy are. Most Gay people do not choose there sexuality, they just are gay. I myself am not bisexual, but bisexuals exists for all of you who think it doesn't. I am not BISEXUAL. i am not LESBIAN. i am not STRAIGHT. i have no sexuality and dont you dare say other wise. i will date you if i like you personality not your sexual orientation. I believe it should be legal to marry someone of he same sexual orientation. marriage shouldn't be based on sexual orientation, but on love and commitment. In Florida, if you are gay and you get married in a pro-gay marriage Florida doesn't recognize that you are married.How fuck*d up is that? COMMENT BELOW AND SHARE YOUR OPINIONS!
October 13th, 2011 at 12:48am