Be realistic here. No one needs algebra.

I'm trying to do my homework from Honors Algebra 1(I'm aware sophomores get Algebra 2, but my schedule was handpicked last year, so).

I could swear sometimes I'm f*cking related to Albert Einstein, and then other times I come to realize that, oh, that's right! I'm related to Gilbert Einstein, his retarded cousin. :l

note: I have no idea who Gilbert Einstein is.

But seriously, if you're not going to be an engineer or a scientist or some sh*t, what do you need Algebra for? Is there some sort of equation you need to solve for how much french fries you can stuff in your mouth before you look like an anemone?

So, basically, they need to separate the math lovers and the future writers 'cause this sh*t ain't working. That's all I'm saying.

For all you math lovers.
f*ck off. :l
lolol, jk.

That is all. And I leave you with:

What do you do at school when you're not ignoring your teacher?

October 14th, 2011 at 01:43am