New Story || I'm a Bad Sister

Red Velvet

Please give me feed back on both layout and little prologue.
It would be much appreciated.
It's kind of a mixture of real life and fantasy/fiction.
I think haha.
Still developing the idea.


First, let me state that I have officially dubbed myself a bad sister.

Here's some background information. I raised my brother in a hellhole for a long time. About seven long years. Seven. F*cking. Years. We were there from the time he was an infant to the time he was seven. (I was eleven). Now, I love my brother dearly and all siblings have rivalries at one point or another right? Well, lately it's like me and him don't bother to talk anymore and I'm like an outsider watching him spiral down a path of destruction that I tried so hard to keep him away from because I don't want him to turn out like I did. I was a problem child from the age of 8 to 15. I ran away. Did drugs. Smoked. Drank. Got f*cked up and just plain out was being a stupid pre-teen/teenager. I don't want him to make those mistakes because he's a follower so I know that he won't be able to break free. And today, my heart just sank.

He brought a knife to school.
And not just any knife.
My X-acto Knife.

I wondered why he took so long to get out of the bathroom this morning. I now know what he was doing. You see, my X-acto knife's tip was broken so I capped it and placed it in my IHome to remind me that it was broke so that I could replace the blade so that the next time I needed to use it, it was at full compacity, you know? I never noticed that the knife was missing this morning when I took my IHome back into my room. I never realized it was missing. I'm so unobservant that it could have costed my brother his life because the kids he took it to defend himself against are the ones carrying guns in their books bags when no one is looking.

Bad Brias.Bad. Bad. Bad.
October 15th, 2011 at 06:06am