I want to get to know you. [:

1) Favorite movie.
2) Favorite artist/ band.
3) Favorite song currently.
4) Favorite song of all time.
5) Celebrity crush.
6) Favorite book.
7) Current active story . [I shall comment this story.]
8) Favorite music video.
9) Hobby.
10) Favorite place to get a tattoo.

Please start with an introductory of your name and age. (:
I know this is random but I don't really know anyone here but we can change that! <3
Also! I need some inspiring ideas for a need story, please. I have writers block and it sucks.

1) Across the Universe. Best movie, hands down. <3
2) Avenged Sevenfold. R.I.P; James Sullivan. You are missed. <|3
3) Someone Like You; Adele. She has a beautiful voice.
4) I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing; Aerosmith.
5) Brian Elwin Haner Jr. <3 *sigh*
6) The House Of Night series.
7) None. /:
8) Helena; My Chem.
9) Being Awesome. B)
10) Either behind the ear, or on the foot. (:
October 15th, 2011 at 06:07am