I'm Just Trying To Walk My Dog.

I hate when people I do not know, and have never met start talking to me. It's so weird.
I live in a nice apartment complex, with lot of people walking their dogs a lot. So while I'm walking Collin (my pup) and a fellow dog walker comments on him, or asks me a question about him, I do not mind. I'm fine with innocent conversation. But today was weird, and I was the only one out walking my dog.

While I was walking I could hear a car behind me, but I didn't turn around to look.. Then this big grey truck pulls up beside me, with a huge burly man inside.. He stops his truck, turns down the music and says with his deep voice "Excuse me ma'am I don't mean to bother you, but what kind of dog is that?" I replied "A Boston Terrier." Then he asked some questions about the breed, like if they have any major health problems, and if that was their full grown size. I answered, and hoped that was all.. He started to say goodbye, then said "What's your name?"
I was skeptical and didn't wanna answer, but I did "Sarah." I said.. He said "That's a nice name, I'm Cory." I didn't really know what to say, I thought it was extremely weird. He didn't get out of his car the whole time, but it was still odd. I just said "Nice to meet you." and tried to say "have a nice day." but he cut me off and asked how old I was. I was really weird-ed out. I told him "Nineteen. I need to go now, my father is waiting for me." He said "Have a good day, miss" and drove off slowly.
Obviously my father wasn't waiting for me, I was home alone all day..
But, my parents always taught me to make an excuse, preferably one involving a male figure waiting for you, (Brother/Father.)

I'm always so nervous and scared when strange older men talk to me.
It started a couple years ago when I was in Wal-Mart, It was late and this man started following me, kept trying to ask me questions, and saying inappropriate things, I think he was a little drunk, but that's no excuse for being a pig. He followed me for a good ten to fifteen minutes, asked me to go home with him. I was really scared. I found an older women and told him to leave me alone or me and my mother were going to call the cops. Thank god the woman played along, the man walked away and the woman, being a very good person walked out of the store with me.
This world we live in is filled with a lot twisted and morbid people, there is nothing wrong with being over cautious, or afraid.

October 15th, 2011 at 11:42pm