Oct. 16, 2011

So, today was great! :D

Well, let's start this journal off with a whole "I've been inactive for a few weeks/months/years, and now I'd like to attempt to re-join this community ;)"

Hmm...That, and the fact that I have nowhere else to write up journals without personal friends knowing every juicy detail of my life. ;P
....At least....I think they're all inactive on here....Hmmm....

As a kid I'd always convinced myself I'd get a pet once I moved out, I do have pets at home but I meant a pet that was mine, like a mouse or a ferret or something cute. :D
Turns out things change, I am unable to my own fuzzy wittle pet, thus I have resorted to fish. :]
Why fish you may ask? Well, I have no idea, I just need...something... <3

So, today I went out got some uhh...fish stuff I guess, no fish yet, maybe tomorrow. ;)
And then, well, had supper with my friends family, so fun lol, it's nice hanging out with people you know. <3

And then, here's the best part, my friend and I went to the movies, and we went to see......COWBOYS & ALIENS! And fuck is Daniel Craig ever sexy, I mean like, sexiest man on earth, hell when he was carrying Ella (I think that was her name) I was like "I want you D;"
And it was even sexier when his accent slipped through, ah...People may not have noticed it, but I did. <3
Oh, now I sound like a creeper, wonderful. D=

Well, with that movie, that sexy man and those kick-ass aliens (who suck but still rock in that kick-ass alien ways) I'm off to bed. <3
October 16th, 2011 at 07:24am