It's official...I'm a horrible person.

It doesn't matter how much VOCALOID I blast out. I'm still disturbed.

I'm at my friend Raegan's house, along with another girl named Harlea, and Im extremely annoyed by them ignoring me for each they can make out on the floor. The fact they're both chicks isn't what bothers me. What bothers me is the both have girlfriends, that I THOUGHT they were commited to..
But, of course... I was wrong...

I'm to scared to speak up, even though I know I should....

Everytime I hear a noise over my iPod on full volume, I feel sick to my stomach.... It's just not right to cheat, you know?

I made a mistake earlier this year. I cheated on someone who really loved me, and ruined something great. I just don't want that for my friends. They should learn from my mistake..((AKA The mistake that I was bothered about for 4 months....))
October 16th, 2011 at 08:51am