what to write ? :@

Seriously I got no idea, someone please help me get started!

Thank you and, what kind of poems am I allowed to post here?

Oh and I will introduce myself,

My name is Damien (A.K.A- D-scenekid)
I am seventeen years old and I live in Ohio, well I been living there since 06. I originally came from New Orleans. I am Mexican and I am not proud lol.
I like all sorts of music. My range of likes stretches from types such as crunk, crunkcore, caramelldansen!! XD , Hip Hop (Real Hip hop such as 90's NWA etc), Reggae and more. :)

I do not go to school, I am home schooled and I love it because I can learn whatever I want.
I aspire to be a DJ, Producer of music or a cleaner at a young and sexy female celebs' dressing room :) lol

I also think that there is a high possibility that i am hungover :D lolz
I also have an extreme love of scene-chicks so if there is any on this site feel free to chat, only if your in the US or near my state.

Anyway enough about me, please give my advice as I said earlier and tell me a bit about myself.
October 16th, 2011 at 01:36pm